One of the newest members to the super fruit team, aronia berries, are known to promote an array of health benefits including cardiovascular health and immune system support, as well as aiding in digestion. More than 440 new products containing aronia — mostly in juices, wines and other drinks — have been introduced worldwide in the last five years; about 60 of those are in the United States, according to the 2013 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Processing Center's Product Traffic Report, supported by the U.S. Agriculture Department to track new food products. Research published last year in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry says aronia's oxygen radical absorbance capacity — a standard measurement of antioxidant strength — shows the berry has one of the highest values ever recorded for a fruit.
Study, Aroniaberries have a high level of antioxidants. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Processing Center's Product Traffic Report shows more than 440 new products containing the aronia berry have been introduced - 60 of them in the US. New products include juice, supplement powders, baby food and many new wines and beverages. The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry published research showing the aronia berry's antioxidant strength is one of the highest values ever recorded for a fruit.
The results demonstrated insufficient stability of juice concentrates, and impropriety of application of long lasting drying processes in manufacturing of black currant and black aronia berry dry products. After 8 hour storage of black currant and black aronia berry juice concentrates at 60 degrees C, the amount of polyphenols decreased by 46% and 22%, anthocyanins 31% and 35%, respectively. The aim of the study was to evaluate the possible effect of thermal technological processes on the quantity of polyphenols and anthocyanins in berry juice concentrates, and on the antioxidant activity.
The berries of black currant and black aronia are rich in polyphenolic compounds and especially in anthocyanins, demonstrating antioxidant activity. You now can buy Aronia Berry products year around online at Buy Organic Aronia Juice Concentrate (over 7 lbs of aroniaberries in every 16 oz. bottle of juice), Organic Freshly Frozen Aronia Berries, Aronia Berry Gummy Chews and Organic Aroniaberry+ Shots. Aronia berries top the antioxidant charts having one of the highest ORAC (oygen radical absorbanc capacity) ratings among fruits and vegetables.
We invite you to share in the goodness and many health benefits of the Aronia berry through our collection of recipes…from down-home comfort foods, to innovative gourmet dishes and creations for the health-minded. Aronia berries are high in antioxidants, and contain anthocyanins, polyphenols, and flavanoids. Varela CE, Fromentin E, Roller M, Villarreal F, Ramirez-Sanchez I. Effects of a natural extract of Aronia Melanocarpa berry on endothelial cell nitric oxide production.
Valcheva-Kuzmanova SV, Eftimov MT, Tashev RE, Belcheva IP, Belcheva SP. Memory effects of Aronia melanocarpa fruit juice in a passive avoidance test in rats. Naruszewicz M, Laniewska I, Millo B, Dluzniewski M. Combination therapy of statin with flavonoids rich extract from chokeberry fruits enhanced reduction in cardiovascular risk markers in patients after myocardial infraction (MI).
Monday, January 6, 2020
Black Chokeberry Facts
Black chokeberry juice consumption seems to be effective also in urinary tract infections (UTI) treated by antibiotics, as was shown in the study of Handeland et al. 111 During a period of six months, the juice (156 mL per day), which was characterized by a high content of total phenolics including B-type procyanidins, anthocyanins and chlorogenic acids, was applied to residents in nursing homes.
The lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidant capacities, measured by oxygen radical absorbance capacity in berries of black chokeberry, Ribes nigrum (black currant), Ribes rubrum (red currant), Ribes grossularia (gooseberries) and Sambucus nigra (elderberry), were provided by Wu 65 However, the lipophilic antioxidant capacity was quite low; the hydrophilic capacities for black currant, chokeberry and elderberry are among the highest of fresh berry fruits. The chokeberry had significantly higher antioxidant activity related to the higher content of anthocyanins and phenolics than the other three berries. Despite the predominate position of anthocyanins among polyphenols, their absorption is very poor and low for the small intestine (in the case of cyanidin 3-glucoside 22.4%, cyanidin 3-galactoside 13.6%) and stomach, as well 80 , 81 , 82 After absorption, anthocyanins are transported with the circular system to various organs and tissues, including the liver, heart, prostate, testes, brain and body fat, but they are mostly distributed to the urinary bladder and kidney of rats 83 , 84 The low rate of absorption of anthocyanins and another polyphenolic compounds in black chokeberry fruit can be explained by their transformation, modification by methylation or conjugation with glucuronic acid 81 , 85 , 86 For example, cyanidin 3-glucoside is methylated and glucuronidated, cyanidin 3-galactoside oxidized, and finally, all derivates (conjugates) are eliminated by the urinary system 82 , 86 , 87 Another way is an extraction with the bile 81 or with the feces 85 On the other hand, anthocyanin conjugation is probably responsible for their metabolic activation and health benefits in relation to chronic diseases 17 , 87.
In the chokeberry decoctions and infusions, rutin was assessed as the predominant compound, followed by hyperoside (half amount) and isoquercitrin (one third amount) 58 Generally, quercetin aglycons have been found in a wide range of lesser known fruit berries, such as bog whortleberry and lingonberry, where the contents were the highest, lower in cranberry, sweet rowan, rowanberry, sea buckthorn berry and crowberry 76 During the process of chokeberry juice pasteurization, the content of flavonols was increased by 5%, as has been reported by the study of Kovačević et al. 63. The content of anthocyanins is species dependent; their highest content was confirmed in black chokeberry and the lowest in red chokeberry fruits 65 The black chokeberry anthocyanin content depends on cultivar, as well; higher total anthocyanin content was determined in cultivars Viking” and Nero”, similarly to the higher polyphenol content, compared to the wild type of black chokeberry 43. The content of cyanidin glycosides in natural chokeberry juices is similar as in chokeberry decoctions 58 The major cyanidins were cyanidin-3-galactoside (222 mg/100 g) and 3-arabinoside (Cy-Ara, 159 mg/100 g) 49 Slimestad et al. 67 reported total anthocyanins content in chokeberries (481 mg/100 g fw after extraction by 0.1% hydrochloric acid in methanol) with the major anthocyanidins cyanidin 3-galactoside (65% of total anthocyanins) and cyanidin 3-arabinoside (30%).
The lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidant capacities, measured by oxygen radical absorbance capacity in berries of black chokeberry, Ribes nigrum (black currant), Ribes rubrum (red currant), Ribes grossularia (gooseberries) and Sambucus nigra (elderberry), were provided by Wu 65 However, the lipophilic antioxidant capacity was quite low; the hydrophilic capacities for black currant, chokeberry and elderberry are among the highest of fresh berry fruits. The chokeberry had significantly higher antioxidant activity related to the higher content of anthocyanins and phenolics than the other three berries. Despite the predominate position of anthocyanins among polyphenols, their absorption is very poor and low for the small intestine (in the case of cyanidin 3-glucoside 22.4%, cyanidin 3-galactoside 13.6%) and stomach, as well 80 , 81 , 82 After absorption, anthocyanins are transported with the circular system to various organs and tissues, including the liver, heart, prostate, testes, brain and body fat, but they are mostly distributed to the urinary bladder and kidney of rats 83 , 84 The low rate of absorption of anthocyanins and another polyphenolic compounds in black chokeberry fruit can be explained by their transformation, modification by methylation or conjugation with glucuronic acid 81 , 85 , 86 For example, cyanidin 3-glucoside is methylated and glucuronidated, cyanidin 3-galactoside oxidized, and finally, all derivates (conjugates) are eliminated by the urinary system 82 , 86 , 87 Another way is an extraction with the bile 81 or with the feces 85 On the other hand, anthocyanin conjugation is probably responsible for their metabolic activation and health benefits in relation to chronic diseases 17 , 87.
In the chokeberry decoctions and infusions, rutin was assessed as the predominant compound, followed by hyperoside (half amount) and isoquercitrin (one third amount) 58 Generally, quercetin aglycons have been found in a wide range of lesser known fruit berries, such as bog whortleberry and lingonberry, where the contents were the highest, lower in cranberry, sweet rowan, rowanberry, sea buckthorn berry and crowberry 76 During the process of chokeberry juice pasteurization, the content of flavonols was increased by 5%, as has been reported by the study of Kovačević et al. 63. The content of anthocyanins is species dependent; their highest content was confirmed in black chokeberry and the lowest in red chokeberry fruits 65 The black chokeberry anthocyanin content depends on cultivar, as well; higher total anthocyanin content was determined in cultivars Viking” and Nero”, similarly to the higher polyphenol content, compared to the wild type of black chokeberry 43. The content of cyanidin glycosides in natural chokeberry juices is similar as in chokeberry decoctions 58 The major cyanidins were cyanidin-3-galactoside (222 mg/100 g) and 3-arabinoside (Cy-Ara, 159 mg/100 g) 49 Slimestad et al. 67 reported total anthocyanins content in chokeberries (481 mg/100 g fw after extraction by 0.1% hydrochloric acid in methanol) with the major anthocyanidins cyanidin 3-galactoside (65% of total anthocyanins) and cyanidin 3-arabinoside (30%).
The Aroniaberry Benefits
The aronia berry (also known as the chokeberry), on the other hand, has more than that - This berry contains antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-platelet properties2.
Anthocyanins, inherent in aronia, exhibit potential diverse health benefits in animal and human studies, including cardio-protective, anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory properties. Malik, M; Zhao, C; Schoene, N; Giusti, MM; Moyer, MP; Magnuson, BA. "Anthocyanin-rich extract from Aronia meloncarpa E induces a cell cycle block in colon cancer but not normal colonic cells." Nutrition and Cancer , 46, 2. (Jan 2003): 186-196. A 2009 study found that an aronia extract helped to reduce cell damage in relation to breast cancer.
Wolfe, K.L., et al., Cellular antioxidant activity of common fruits. Several studies show that eating blueberries increases antioxidant activity in the blood, although results vary and the studies do not show consistent signs of preventing DNA damage. Comparing people with and without cancer, the studies show lower risk of several cancers in those who eat more fruits compared to those who eat relatively few.
Aronia's main health component is anthocyanin, which is a representative antioxidant contained in black bean skin, acai berries, and blueberries. Aronia berries or their juice can be combined with other fruits, such as pineapples, apples , or strawberries, to make a refreshing drink. A similar 2-month study in 25 people with metabolic syndrome found that taking 300 mg of aronia extract daily significantly reduced the same health markers, as well as blood pressure (
That said, current research is limited, and human studies are needed to evaluate the relationship between aronia berries and cancer protection. In one study, these extracts reduced the number of harmful superoxide free radicals in blood samples taken from women with breast cancer ( One test-tube study found that 50 mg of aronia extract reduced colon cancer cell growth by 60% after 24 hours.
Test-tube studies indicate that the antioxidants in aronia berries can inhibit free radical activity ( Aronia berries are an excellent source of polyphenols , which is a group of antioxidants that includes phenolic acids, anthocyanins, and flavanols ( The fruits are particularly high in anthocyanins, which give the berries their dark blue to black color (
Both the aronia and bilberry extracts helped to relax the tissue, which would allow for improved blood flow. A 2016 study looked at the effects of aronia fruit juice in rats with liver damage. According to a 2003 study published in the journal Anticancer Research, curcumin also suppresses the proliferation of many other types of cancer cells besides just brain cancer cells, and effectively blocks cancer tumors from forming, reproducing, and metastasizing ( ). The Life Extension Foundation (LEF) recommends the highly-bioavailable BCM-95 variety of curcumin as the most effective form.
Howard LR , Brownmiller C , Prior RL , Mauromoustakos A Improved stability of chokeberry juice anthocyanins by beta-cyclodextrin addition and refrigeration. Szaefer H , Krajka-Kuzniak V , Ignatowicz E , Adamska T , Baer-Dubowska W Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) juice modulates 7,12-dimethylbenzaanthracene induced hepatic but not mammary gland phase I and II enzymes in female rats.
Anthocyanins, inherent in aronia, exhibit potential diverse health benefits in animal and human studies, including cardio-protective, anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory properties. Malik, M; Zhao, C; Schoene, N; Giusti, MM; Moyer, MP; Magnuson, BA. "Anthocyanin-rich extract from Aronia meloncarpa E induces a cell cycle block in colon cancer but not normal colonic cells." Nutrition and Cancer , 46, 2. (Jan 2003): 186-196. A 2009 study found that an aronia extract helped to reduce cell damage in relation to breast cancer.
Wolfe, K.L., et al., Cellular antioxidant activity of common fruits. Several studies show that eating blueberries increases antioxidant activity in the blood, although results vary and the studies do not show consistent signs of preventing DNA damage. Comparing people with and without cancer, the studies show lower risk of several cancers in those who eat more fruits compared to those who eat relatively few.
Aronia's main health component is anthocyanin, which is a representative antioxidant contained in black bean skin, acai berries, and blueberries. Aronia berries or their juice can be combined with other fruits, such as pineapples, apples , or strawberries, to make a refreshing drink. A similar 2-month study in 25 people with metabolic syndrome found that taking 300 mg of aronia extract daily significantly reduced the same health markers, as well as blood pressure (
That said, current research is limited, and human studies are needed to evaluate the relationship between aronia berries and cancer protection. In one study, these extracts reduced the number of harmful superoxide free radicals in blood samples taken from women with breast cancer ( One test-tube study found that 50 mg of aronia extract reduced colon cancer cell growth by 60% after 24 hours.
Test-tube studies indicate that the antioxidants in aronia berries can inhibit free radical activity ( Aronia berries are an excellent source of polyphenols , which is a group of antioxidants that includes phenolic acids, anthocyanins, and flavanols ( The fruits are particularly high in anthocyanins, which give the berries their dark blue to black color (
Both the aronia and bilberry extracts helped to relax the tissue, which would allow for improved blood flow. A 2016 study looked at the effects of aronia fruit juice in rats with liver damage. According to a 2003 study published in the journal Anticancer Research, curcumin also suppresses the proliferation of many other types of cancer cells besides just brain cancer cells, and effectively blocks cancer tumors from forming, reproducing, and metastasizing ( ). The Life Extension Foundation (LEF) recommends the highly-bioavailable BCM-95 variety of curcumin as the most effective form.
Howard LR , Brownmiller C , Prior RL , Mauromoustakos A Improved stability of chokeberry juice anthocyanins by beta-cyclodextrin addition and refrigeration. Szaefer H , Krajka-Kuzniak V , Ignatowicz E , Adamska T , Baer-Dubowska W Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) juice modulates 7,12-dimethylbenzaanthracene induced hepatic but not mammary gland phase I and II enzymes in female rats.
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